15 September 2011


It's been ages since I posted on here (over a month!) and that's how life goes.  I've acquired a full-time job, moved into Chicago, and had a lot of social engagements.  I don't know where my time goes.  Well, at work I do, but after work it's like time speeds up. 
Anyway, what I'm trying to get across is that I am not abandoning this endeavor, but my posting frequency is about to drastically drop (or improve from the last month, depending on how you look at it).  I'm hoping to get one, maybe two posts in per week and if I hit higher than that, hot damn.

I've still got books I need to review, topics to write about, and opinions to expound.  I've also committed time suicide and signed up for an intensive German course that takes up 6 hours a week.  I must admit that since I'm taking it to prepare for the DaF test, it is putting stock towards my love of CEE.  Plus, my German needs a kick in the pants.  Possibility: German posts as homework.

 I used to work about 30 hours a week and I definitely used the other 10 (maybe 15?) for this blog. This is why I wish I had guest bloggers.  HELP ME.