Before I delve into today's post, I have two announcements.
1) Next week's theme is MUSIC. In case you're wondering, I'm going to discuss contemporary CEE music. Get psyched.
2) The EU news as of late has been exciting! Kosovo and the organ trade, Lukashenko, Hungary's controversial media law (which the EU cannot force Hungary to change––big surprise?), and possibly fining France and Sweden for not protecting its's been an interesting week.
I do have to sadly let you all know that European Voice is not entirely free! Ack! I signed up for a 4 week trial, but it's too expensive for me to do more than read the headlines. Phooey.
On to Prague's art. Today is a departure from museum space to the public space. Naturally, this is another place I visited, but I'm including it in art week because it was actually Prague's public art that made me curious about the post-communist transition. Prague is a rather progressive city that is full of history and tradition. I'm mainly focused on post-communist era public art (another given), but I have a few examples of art that is not.
All the photos below, except for the one labeled otherwise, are mine and if you use them, you better cite my blog.